4/5/2018 - 12:47 AM

Transaction migration - Analysis piece

Transaction migration - Analysis piece

UI based scenarios and the transactions they make

  • New enrolment
  • Manually applied Enrolment Fee (i.e. fees)
  • Manually applied refunds
  • Manually applied credits
  • Disenrolments
  • Direct Debit run credits


  • Set to success if latest Charge (i.e. first element of charge array) is successful


New enrolment

  • Enrolment charge tx is created with
    • enrolmentId is populated
    • refundTransactionId is false
    • isDebit is true
    • a description of the format "Enrolment into <term.code> <course.code> (<student.full_name>)"
  • Enrolment Fee charge tx is created with
    • enrolmentId is populated
    • studentId is populated
    • a description of the format "Enrolment Fee (<student.full_name>)"