6/30/2013 - 11:58 PM

Cut/truncate text to specific length. #php #strings

Cut/truncate text to specific length. #php #strings

 * Cut text to specific length.
 * @author JoseRobinson.com
 * @version 201306301956
 * @link GitHup: https://gist.github.com/5897554
 * @param string $str The text to cut.
 * @param int $limit The maximum number of characters that must be returned.
 * @param stirng $brChar The character to use for breaking the string.
 * @param string $pad The string to use at the end of the cutted string.
 * @return string
function cutText($str, $limit, $brChar = ' ', $pad = '...') 
    if (empty($str) || strlen($str) <= $limit) {
        return $str;

    $output = substr($str, 0, ($limit+1));
    $brCharPos = strrpos($output, $brChar);
    $output = substr($output, 0, $brCharPos);
    $output = preg_replace('#\W+$#', '', $output);
    $output .= $pad;

    return $output;

Cut text to specific length

Use this function to cutting text to a specific length, with the ability to prevent that the last word be cutted in half.


require 'cutText.php';

$text1 = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laboredo.';

// Normal usage:
printf('%s<br>', cutText($text1, 20));

// Using an space for break the string:
printf('%s<br>', cutText($text1, 20, ' '));