[MEng logbook] 2016-10-21
In the last meeting I showed the program that I made, using ORB and AKAZE tracker on the footage Qiang suggested. The overall impression looks decent but he was wondering about how to recover the camera pose information that can represent the entire scene been captured throughout the footage. Based on this concern he suggested me to look into the construction of camera pose, and he showed me a recent paper that he is currently assessing, which he mentioned in chapter 2 and 5 & 6 could be a good starting point that I can investigate into.
This page is focused on the problem of detecting affine invariant features in arbitrary images and on the performance evaluation of region detectors/descriptors.
An Improved ORB Algorithm of Extracting and Matching Features
Research paper on improved ORB algorithm, 2012.
Pose Tracking from Natural Features on Mobile Phones
A research paper as suggested from its title.
General discussion fron Stackoverflow, on how BREIF works.
CV course from Princeton University
An archive for CV course from Princeton University.
Local Invariant Feature Detectors: A Survey
An overview of invariant interest point detectors, how they evolved over time, how they work, and what their respective strengths and weaknesses are.
A C++ library to provide SfM implementation, haven't personally try it yet but sounds interesting.
A set of useful computer vision functions by Peter Kovesi.
Lightweight library that provide machine learning and computer vision functions. I am currently using this as part of C++ implementation for master project.