9/20/2017 - 4:06 AM

pluggins para intellij

Angular 2 TypeScript Live

TypeScript Angular Snippets

a-component // component
a-component-root // root app component
a-directive // directive
a-guard-can-activate // CanActivate guard
a-guard-can-activate-child // CanActivateChild guard
a-guard-can-deactivate // CanDeactivate guard
a-guard-can-load // CanLoad guard
a-http-get // http.get with Rx Observable
a-module // module
a-module-root // root app module
a-module-routing // routing module file (forChild)
a-output-event // @Output event and emitter
a-pipe // pipe
a-route-path-404 // 404 route path
a-route-path-default // default route path
a-route-path-eager // eager route path
a-route-path-lazy // lazy route path
a-service // service
a-service-http // service with Http
a-ctor-skip-self // angular ngmodule's skipself constructor
a-subscribe // Rx Observable subscription

TypeScript RxJS Snippets

rx-observable // Rx Observable import
rx-subject // Rx Subject import
rx-replay-subject // Rx ReplaySubject import
rx-behavior-subject // Rx BehaviorSubject import
rx-add-operator // Rx add operator import
rx-add-observable // Rx add observable import

HTML Snippets

a-class // [class] binding
a-select // control
a-style // [style] binding
a-ngClass // ngClass
a-ngFor // *ngFor
a-ngForAsync // *ngFor with async
a-ngIf // *ngIf
a-ngIfElse // *ngIf with else
a-ngModel // ngModel
a-routerLink // routerLink
a-routerLink-param // routerLink with a route parameter
a-ngStyle // ngStyle
a-ngSwitch // ngSwitch
a-prej // pre debug | json
a-preja // pre debug | async | json