Grid Engine array job manager class
" grid engine command to submit a job. \n"
" command: qsub \n"
" \n"
" environment varialbe which contain task id. \n"
" task id: SGE_TASK_ID \n"
" \n"
" command option to set array job. \n"
" array: -t $from-$to \n"
" \n"
" command option to set job as binary. \n"
" binary: -b y \n"
" \n"
" command option to tell grid engine to exit back after execution. \n"
" sync: -sync y \n"
" \n"
" command option to set working directory the same as current one. \n"
" cwd: -cwd \n"
" \n"
" command option to pass environment variables. \n"
" environment: -V \n"
" \n"
" other command options you like such as path to error log. \n"
" other: -e /dev/null -o /dev/null \n"
// arrayjob_manager.hpp
// Created by Hiroshi Miyake on 2017/01/21.
// Copyright © 2017 Kiryu Lab. All rights reserved.
#ifndef arrayjob_manager_h
#define arrayjob_manager_h
namespace iyak {
class ArrayJobManager {
string _command;
string _env_tid;
string _array;
string _binary;
string _sync;
string _cwd;
string _env;
string _other;
unsigned int _set = 0;
bool all_set() {return _set==(1<<8)-1;}
void read_sge_option_stream(istream& is) {
_set = 0;
string l;
while (getline(is, l)) {
auto vs = split<string>(strip(l), ":");
if (2 != size(vs)) continue;
auto key = strip(vs[0]);
auto val = strip(vs[1]);
if ("command"==key) {
_command = val;
_set |= 1<<0;
else if ("task id"==key) {
_env_tid = val;
_set |= 1<<1;
else if ("array"==key) {
_array = val;
_set |= 1<<2;
else if ("binary"==key) {
_binary = val;
_set |= 1<<3;
else if ("sync"==key) {
_sync = val;
_set |= 1<<4;
else if ("cwd"==key) {
_cwd = val;
_set |= 1<<5;
else if ("environment"==key) {
_env = val;
_set |= 1<<6;
else if ("other"==key) {
_other = val;
_set |= 1<<7;
else {
cry("not used:", key);
check(all_set(), "grid_engine_opt broken.");
string exec(string const& cmd) {
std::array<char, 512> buf;
string res;
sptr<FILE> pipe(popen((cmd + " 2>&1").c_str(), "r"), pclose);
check(!!pipe, "fail popen shell");
if (fgets(, 512, pipe.get()))
res +=;
return res;
ArrayJobManager(): _set(0) {}
void set_sge_option(string const& fname) {
if ("~DEFAULT~" == fname) {
isstream iss (
else {
ifstream ifs (fname);
check(!!ifs, "fail opne:", fname);
int tid() {
check(all_set(), "called tid() with options unset");
if (debug&DBG_ARRAY) {
return 5;
} else {
return iss_cast<int>(std::getenv(_env_tid.c_str()));
void submit_array_job(string const& job,
int const n,
bool const show=false) {
size_t i;
string array(_array);
while (npos != (i=array.find("$from"))) array.replace(i,5,"1");
while (npos != (i=array.find("$to"))) array.replace(i,3,to_str(n));
string total = paste<string>({
"\"" + job + "\"",
}, " ");
if (show) cry("submit:", total);
string res = exec(total);
if (show) cry(strip(res, "\n"));
PII assinged_range(int total, int n, int k) {
int res = total - (total/n) * n;
int from=0, to=0;
for (int i=0; i<k; ++i) {
from = to;
to += total/n + (i<res? 1:0);
return {from, to};
#endif /* arrayjob_manager_h */