Create an iPython HTML Notebook on Amazon's AWS Free Tier from scratch.
Roll your own iPython Notebook server with Amazon Web Services (EC2) using their Free Tier.
I had been looking for complete tutorials on setting up my own iPython Notebook on EC2 from scratch and I couldn't quite find what I was looking for. I hope someone finds this useful!
I've used the Enthought Free distribution on my own system for a while but it was missing some packages that I loved. For future uses I wanted a distribution that I didn't have to modify out of the box. I looked around and stumbled across Continuum's package. I liked where they were taking their products. Not to mention their free distribution had many, many awesome packages already included. Why not?
The Wizard is going to ask you to create a public key (or use an existing one if this isn't your first time). Create and download that key and save it in a nifty (read: memorable) spot.
The Security Group step is a very important step. This step can only be configured when you launch the instance! Under the Create New Security Group.
We're almost there. I can feel it. We've got a few more steps: Create a iPython Profile for our server; Create a password for our notebook log in; Create a self-signed SSL certificate for HTTPS access; and finally modify our file. Much of (if not all) of this code follows the iPython Notebook doc very closely.
From anywhere type: $ ipython profile create nbserver
Next, we're going to create a password for your notebook server. I'm going to do everything from within iPython right now. You can access the shell commands by prepending your commands with "!". Some commands like "cd" and "ls" don't need an "!" in front. It's pretty awesome. See "Magic Functions" in the resources section.
The output of passwd() is going to be used in the notebook configuration file later. So save/remember it!
$ ipython notebook inline --profile=nbserver
Using your public DNS go to your fav browser and type: https://your-Instance's-public-DNS:8888
If successfull you'll get a warning about the self signed certificate. It's ok! Click Continue.
A few things: