I want to add a handling fee for EAN Payments
As EAN Payments require manual handling, you may wish to add a fee to the order.
To do so add the following code to you functions.php file in the active theme.
You'll have to change the following:
The text EAN Handling Fee in line 6, to the desired text for the handling fee
$fee_title = __('EAN Handling Fee', 'woocommerce-ean-payment-gateway');
The number 50 in line 7, to the desired value for the handling fee
$ean_handling_fee = 50;
if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees', 'yanco_ean_calculate_totals' );
function yanco_ean_calculate_totals( ) {
$available_gateways = WC()->payment_gateways->get_available_payment_gateways();
$current_gateway = '';
$fee_title = __('EAN Handling Fee', 'woocommerce-ean-payment-gateway'); // Change the title to fit your needs
$ean_handling_fee = 50; // Change the value to the amount you want to charge
$fee_tax_class = 'zero rate'; // Change this to the tax class you wish to use for the fee
if ( ! empty( $available_gateways ) ) {
// Chosen Method
if ( isset( WC()->session->chosen_payment_method ) && isset( $available_gateways[ WC()->session->chosen_payment_method ] ) ) {
$current_gateway = $available_gateways[ WC()->session->chosen_payment_method ];
} elseif ( isset( $available_gateways[ get_option( 'woocommerce_default_gateway' ) ] ) ) {
$current_gateway = $available_gateways[ get_option( 'woocommerce_default_gateway' ) ];
} else {
$current_gateway = current( $available_gateways );
if ( $current_gateway->id == 'yanco_wc_ean_payment_gateway' ) {
WC()->cart->add_fee( $fee_title, $ean_handling_fee, true, $fee_tax_class );