4/2/2019 - 2:42 AM

Warcraft II

Install winetricks
  brew install winetricks

Download and install the Warcraft II BNE ddraw.dll and replace it in ~/.wine/drive_c/GOG Games/Warcraft II BNE/
Edit wine configuration
  Under Libraries tab add ddraw in New override for library, and set it to use Native(Windows) under Edit Override
  Under Libraries tab add wsock32 in New override for library, and set it to use Native then Builtin under Edit Override

  Under Graphics tab check "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows" and check emulate virtual desktop and set it to 640 x 480
  IPXWrapper is included in the GOG version.
  Install IPXWrapper ( to enable IPX over UDP. Instructions can be viewed here:
  configuration panel for wine

wine uninstall
  windows uninstaller

wine control
  control panel access
To configure ipxwrapper

  wine ipxconfig.exe
  Set Primary Interface to en1 (Check ipxwrapper.log to see what your ip address is under)
  Set Network Adapters to en1
  Check Enable Interface
  Set Network Number to 00:00:00:01
  Node Number will be autopopulated
  Check Enable Windows 95 SO_BROADCAST but
  Check Automatically create Windows Firewall exceptions
To configure Direct X and enable windowing
  wine dxcfg.exe
Set Presentation to "Windowed"

Set Display Mode to  640x480
Set Presentation to Fullscreen