1/24/2019 - 5:22 PM

Intalar VeraCrypt Ubuntu

Installing VeraCrypt 1.19 on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10 from PPA

Open up a terminal window and run the following commands to add VeraCrypt Ubuntu PPA, update package index and install the veracrypt package.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unit193/encryption

sudo apt update

sudo apt install veracrypt

How to Manually install VeraCrypt

Go to the official website to download VeraCrypt Linux installer. It’s a zipped tar file.

veracrypt tutorial

Alternatively, you can open up a terminal window and use the following command to download VeraCrypt installer.

wget https://launchpadlibrarian.net/289850375/veracrypt-1.19-setup.tar.bz2

Once downloaded, open up a terminal and navigate to the directory where the installer is stored and run the command below to extract the zipped tar file.

mkdir veracrypt

tar xjvf veracrypt-1.19-setup.tar.bz2 -C veracrypt

Then cd into the veracrypt directory.

cd veracrypt

There will be 4 files for 64 bits and 32 bits computers. GUI is for graphical installation and console is for command line installation. Run the graphical installer.

64 bits graphical installer. The dot and forward slash (./) means we’re using the current working directory.


32 bits graphical installer.


Select Install VeraCrypt

install veracrypt ubuntu

Then accept license terms.

veracrypt ppa

Next, click OK.

veracrypt debian package

Then enter your sudo password in the XTerm window.

veracrypt linux command line

After installation is finished, press Enter to exit XTerm. You can start the program from application launcher

veracrypt ubuntu

or use the command below.


To check your VeraCrypt version, run

veracrypt --version

To remove VeraCrypt, run the uninstall script with sudo privilege.

sudo veracrypt-uninstall.sh

That’s it!