12/29/2018 - 10:21 PM

youtube-dl cheat sheet

youtube-dl cheat sheet

# Basic Download:
youtube-dl URL

# Download Playlist, put in folder, and index with order:
youtube-dl -o '%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' URL

# Download to /$uploader/$date/$title.$ext:
youtube-dl -o '%(uploader)s/%(date)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s' URL

# Download playlist starting from certain video:
youtube-dl --playlist-start 5 example.com/watch?v=id&list=listid

# Simulate download:
youtube-dl -s URL

# List Formats:
youtube-dl --list-formats URL

# Download preferred format get list of formats & use -f flag:
youtube-dl -f 18 URL

# Download a list:
- create a file and place all the YouTube links that you wish to download
youtube-dl -a youtube_links.txt