namespace App\Library\Tools;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;
* Class ExcelTool
* @package App\Library\Tools
class ExcelTool
* 导出Excel
* @param $file_name
* @param $header
* @param $rows
* @param int $row_width
* @param ...$funcs
public static function export($file_name, $header, $rows, $row_width = 20, ...$funcs)
$excel_funcs = (isset($funcs[0]) && $funcs[0]) ? $funcs[0] : [];
$sheet_funcs = (isset($funcs[1]) && $funcs[1]) ? $funcs[1] : [];
Excel::create($file_name, function ($excel) use ($header, $rows, $row_width, $excel_funcs, $sheet_funcs) {
foreach ($excel_funcs as $excel_func) {
$excel = $excel_func($excel);
$excel->sheet('数据', function ($sheet) use ($header, $rows, $row_width, $excel_funcs, $sheet_funcs) {
foreach($header as $key=>$title){
$header_title[] = $title;
$header_key[] = $key;
$header = $header_title;
$new_rows = array();
foreach($rows as $row){
$new_row = array();
foreach($header_key as $key){
$new_row[$key] = isset($row[$key])?$row[$key]:'';
$new_rows[] = $new_row;
$rows = $new_rows;
$letters = '';
$header_count = count($header);
for ($i = 0; $i < $header_count; $i++) {
$multiple = floor(($i/26));
if ($multiple) {
$first_letter = chr($multiple + 64);
$letters = $first_letter . chr(($i - $multiple * 26) + 65);
} else {
$letters = chr($i + 65);
$width[$letters] = $row_width;
$sheet->row(1, $header);
$max = $letters . (count($rows) + 1);
$sheet->setBorder('A1:' . $max, 'thin');
foreach ($sheet_funcs as $sheet_func) {
$sheet = $sheet_func($sheet);
* 导入excel文件,以数组形式返回内容
* @param $file
* @return mixed
public static function import($file)
return Excel::selectSheets('Sheet1')
->load($file, function ($reader) {})
* 带合并单元格功能的excel
* 注意:
* 如果写position为AC:A3这种错误写法就会报内存溢出
ExcelTool::exportMergeWithTitle('站场预付费车辆统计表' .date('YmdHis'), [
['name' => '站场预付费车辆统计表', 'position' => 'A1:R1'],
['config' => ['setFreeze' => 'B5'],], // 冻结单元格,要看单元格的左上角
['name' => '复核:', 'position' => ['row' => 'D', 'col' => 'last']],
['name' => '时间:', 'position' => ['row' => 'A', 'col' => 'last+1']],
['name' => '序号', 'position' => 'A2:A3', 'key' => 'i'],
['name' => '站场', 'position' => 'B2:B3', 'key' => 'station_name'],
['name' => '路段(财务别名)', 'position' => 'C2:C3', 'key' => 'finance_name'],
['name' => '路段', 'position' => 'A2', 'key' => 'road_name', 'colspan' => true],
['name' => '预付费', 'position' => ExcelTool::incPosition('D2:F2', 1)],
], $list);
* @author aogg
* @param $filename
* @param $headers
* @param $list
* @param bool $widthBool
public static function exportMergeWithTitle($filename, $headers, $list, $widthBool = true)
Excel::create($filename, function ($excel) use ($headers, $list, $filename, $widthBool) {
$excel->sheet('数据', function ($sheet) use ($headers, $list, $filename, $widthBool) {
/** @var \Maatwebsite\Excel\Classes\LaravelExcelWorksheet $sheet */
// 处理位置,处理单元格合并
$handleStringPositionAtCell = function ($data)use(&$sheet){
if (strpos($data['position'], ':') !== false){
$sheet->cell(current(explode(':', $data['position'])), function($cell) use($data){
/** @var \Maatwebsite\Excel\Writers\CellWriter $cell */
// manipulate the cell
$sheet->cell($data['position'], function($cell) use($data){
/** @var \Maatwebsite\Excel\Writers\CellWriter $cell */
// manipulate the cell
// 设置标题样式
$getStartRow = function ()use(&$sheet){ // @see \Maatwebsite\Excel\Classes\LaravelExcelWorksheet::getStartRow
if ($sheet->getHighestRow() == 1)
return 1;
return $sheet->getHighestRow() + 1;
$rowStartNum = 1;
$headerKeyArr = $colspanArr = $lastArr = $configArr = [];
foreach($headers as $key=>$data){
if (!empty($data['config'])) { // 自定义配置
$configArr = array_merge($configArr, $data['config']);
if (empty($data['position'])) {
$matches = [];
// 那数据的开始行
if (is_array($data['position'])) { // 暂不支持冒号
if (!isset($data['position']['row']) || !isset($data['position']['col'])) {
if (strpos($data['position']['col'], 'last') === 0) { // 放最后
$lastArr[$key] = $data;
continue; // 暂无其他
if (preg_match('/\d+/', $data['position'], $matches)) {
$rowStartNum = max($rowStartNum, $matches[0]);
if (isset($data['key'])) {
$headerKeyArr[$data['key']] = $data['key'];
if (isset($data['colspan'])) { // 定义竖列
$colspanArr[$data['key']] = ['colspan' => $data['colspan'], 'position' => $data['position']];
if (!empty($configArr)) {
foreach ($configArr as $funcName => $args) {
if (!method_exists($sheet, $funcName)) {
call_user_func_array([$sheet, $funcName], (array)$args);
// 处理宽度
if ($widthBool) {
$header_count = count($headers);
for ($i = 0; $i < $header_count; $i++) {
$multiple = floor(($i/26));
if ($multiple) {
$first_letter = chr($multiple + 64);
$letters = $first_letter . chr(($i - $multiple * 26) + 65);
} else {
$letters = chr($i + 65);
$width[$letters] = 20;
// 过滤数据数组
$new_rows = $colspanRowNumArr = $colspanRowTempArr = array();
$i = $rowStartNum + 1;
foreach($list as $row){
$new_row = array();
foreach($headerKeyArr as $key){
$value = Arr::get($row, $key, '');
if (!empty($colspanArr[$key])) { // 竖列
if (isset($colspanRowTempArr[$key]) && $colspanRowTempArr[$key]['value'] === $value){ // 和上一个相等
$tempKey = $key . '_' . $colspanRowTempArr[$key]['numKey']; // 找到第一个
// A2:A3
$colspanRowNumArr[$tempKey] = isset($colspanRowNumArr[$tempKey])?
static::incPosition($colspanRowNumArr[$tempKey], 1, 2, 2): // 已有数据,递增后面
// 初始化数据
static::replacePosition( // 替换右边
static::replacePosition( // 替换左边
// 处理为必须带冒号
strpos($colspanArr[$key]['position'], ':')!==false?
$colspanArr[$key]['position'] . ':' . $colspanArr[$key]['position']
$colspanRowTempArr[$key]['i'], 2, 1
$i - 1, 2, 2
1, 2, 2);
}else{ // 没和上一个相等
$colspanRowTempArr[$key] = [
'value' => $value,
'i' => $i,
'numKey' => isset($colspanRowTempArr[$key]) && !empty($colspanRowTempArr[$key]['numKey']) ?
++$colspanRowTempArr[$key]['numKey'] : 1
$new_row[] = $value;
$new_rows[] = $new_row;
// 合并竖列
if (!empty($colspanRowNumArr)) {
foreach ($colspanRowNumArr as $itemPosition){
$sheet->mergeCells($itemPosition, true);
$sheet->cells($itemPosition, function ($cell)
/** @var \Maatwebsite\Excel\Writers\CellWriter $cell */
$cell->setValignment('center'); // 垂直居中
// 最后
if (!empty($lastArr)) {
$rowEndRow = $getStartRow();
foreach ($lastArr as $item) {
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/([a-z]+)([+-]\d+)?$/i', $item['position']['col'], $matches)) { // 放最后
$item['position'] = $item['position']['row'] . ($rowEndRow + ($matches[2]??0));
continue; // 暂无其他
* 横向或竖向递增
* @param $position
* @param $inc
* @param int $incType 1为横向,2为竖向
* @param bool $bothType 冒号分割,同时递增,1为只递增前面,2为只递增后面
* @return string
public static function incPosition($position, $inc, $incType = 1, $bothType = true)
$arr = explode(':', $position);
$matches = [];
$incWordFunc = function (&$word, &$num){
if (empty($num)){
foreach ($arr as &$item) {
if (!preg_match('/([A-Z]+)(\d*)/', $item, $matches)) {
if ($bothType === 2){ // 只递增后面
$bothType = true;
$wordIncNum = $incType === 1 ? $inc : 0;
$incWordFunc($matches[1], $wordIncNum);
$item = $matches[1] .
($matches[2] ? ($incType === 2 ? $matches[2] + $inc : $matches[2]) : '');
if ($bothType === 1){ // 只递增前面
return join(':', $arr);
* 横向或竖向递增
* @param $position
* @param $inc
* @param int $incType 1为横向,2为竖向
* @param bool $bothType 冒号分割,同时递增,1为只递增前面,2为只递增后面
* @return string
public static function replacePosition($position, $inc, $incType = 1, $bothType = true)
$arr = explode(':', $position);
$matches = [];
foreach ($arr as &$item) {
if (!preg_match('/([A-Z]+)(\d*)/', $item, $matches)) {
if ($bothType === 2){ // 只处理冒号后面
$bothType = true;
$item = ($incType === 1?$inc:$matches[1]) . ($incType === 2?$inc:$matches[2]);
if ($bothType === 1){ // 只处理冒号前面
return join(':', $arr);
ExcelTool::exportMergeWithTitle($fileNameArr[$requestData['type']]??''.date('YmdHis'), array_merge([
['name' => $fileNameArr[$requestData['type']??'']??'', 'position' => 'A1:P1'],
['name' => '站场预付费车辆统计表', 'position' => 'A1:R1'],
['name' => '复核:', 'position' => ['row' => 'D', 'col' => 'last']],
['name' => '时间:', 'position' => ['row' => 'A', 'col' => 'last+1']],
['name' => '序号', 'position' => 'A2:A3', 'key' => 'i'],
['name' => '站场', 'position' => 'B2:B3', 'key' => 'station_name'],
['name' => '路段(财务别名)', 'position' => 'C2:C3', 'key' => 'finance_name'],
['name' => '路段', 'position' => 'A2', 'key' => 'road_name', 'colspan' => true],
['name' => '预付费', 'position' => ExcelTool::incPosition('D2:F2', 1)],
],($requestData['type'] == 2?[
['name' => '岗位', 'position' => 'D2:D3', 'key' => 'post_name'],
['name' => '预付费', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('D2:F2', 1)],
['name' => '停车次数', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('D3', 1), 'key' => 'vip_num_sum'],
['name' => '停车时长', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('E3', 1), 'key' => 'vip_parking_time_sum'],
['name' => '日分摊金额', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('F3', 1), 'key' => 'vip_real_total_price_sum'],
['name' => '临停', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('G2:I2', 1)],
['name' => '停车次数', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('G3', 1), 'key' => 'temp_num_sum'],
['name' => '停车时长', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('H3', 1), 'key' => 'temp_parking_time_sum'],
['name' => '金额', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('I3', 1), 'key' => 'temp_real_total_price_sum'],
['name' => '自刷卡', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('J2:L2', 1)],
['name' => '停车次数', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('J3', 1), 'key' => 'card_num_sum'],
['name' => '停车时长', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('K3', 1), 'key' => 'card_parking_time_sum'],
['name' => '金额', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('L3', 1), 'key' => 'card_real_total_price_sum'],
['name' => '支付类型(次数)', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('M2:N2', 1)],
['name' => '微信', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('M3', 1), 'key' => 'wechat_pay_way_sum'],
['name' => '电子钱包', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('N3', 1), 'key' => 'wallet_pay_way_sum'],
['name' => '支付类型(金额)', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('O2:P2', 1)],
['name' => '微信', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('O3', 1), 'key' => 'wechat_real_total_price_sum'],
['name' => '电子钱包', 'position' => ExcelTool::incRow('P3', 1), 'key' => 'wallet_real_total_price_sum'],
]), $list);