###Model: incident_report.rb
# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 20110425214240
# Table name: incident_reports
# id :integer not null, primary key
# investigator_name :string(255)
# employee_name :string(255) not null
# position :string(255)
# hire_date :date
# incident_date :date not null
# incident_time :time
# date_first_reported :date
# supervisor :string(255)
# department :string(255)
# witnesses :string(255)
# incident_location :string(255) not null
# injury :text
# incident_description :text not null
# injury_causative_factor :text
# injury_causative_factor_reason :text
# actions_for_correction_prevention :text
# responsible_for_correction :string(255)
# correction_expected_completion_date :date
# correction_actual_completion_date :date
# drug_alcohol_test_given :boolean
# flags_near_miss :boolean
# flags_property_damage :boolean
# flags_first_aid :boolean
# flags_medical :boolean
# flags_lost_time :boolean
# employee_following_procedures :boolean
# employee_lack_of_training :boolean
# employee_not_paying_attention :boolean
# employee_acting_per_common_practice :boolean
# employee_exceeding_physical_capacity :boolean
# employee_using_wrong_equipment :boolean
# employee_taking_short_cut :boolean
# employee_willful_misconduct :boolean
# employee_other :boolean
# factor_equipment_failure :boolean
# factor_wrong_tools :boolean
# factor_poor_procedures :boolean
# factor_workplace_conditions :boolean
# factor_repetitive_stress :boolean
# factor_poor_equipment_guarding :boolean
# factor_poor_maintenance :boolean
# factor_poor_lighting :boolean
# factor_unidentified_uncorrected_workplace_hazards :boolean
# factor_unfamiliar_surroundings :boolean
# reason_inadequate_rule_enforcement :boolean
# reason_lack_of_sufficient_training :boolean
# reason_lack_of_hazard_mitigation :boolean
# reason_lack_of_supervisor_involvement :boolean
# reason_plant_equipment_layout :boolean
# reason_lack_of_accountability :boolean
# reason_poor_tools_or_maintenance :boolean
# reason_lack_of_proper_safety_signs :boolean
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
# reason_lack_of_employee_involvement :boolean
class IncidentReport < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :investigator_name, :employee_name, :incident_date, :injury, :incident_description
# This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead
# of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to
# incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition.
# Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your
# database schema. If you need to create the application database on another
# system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations
# from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations
# you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues).
# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110425214240) do
create_table "incident_reports", :force => true do |t|
t.string "investigator_name"
t.string "employee_name", :null => false
t.string "position" "hire_date" "incident_date", :null => false
t.time "incident_time" "date_first_reported"
t.string "supervisor"
t.string "department"
t.string "witnesses"
t.string "incident_location", :null => false
t.text "injury"
t.text "incident_description", :null => false
t.text "injury_causative_factor"
t.text "injury_causative_factor_reason"
t.text "actions_for_correction_prevention"
t.string "responsible_for_correction" "correction_expected_completion_date" "correction_actual_completion_date"
t.boolean "drug_alcohol_test_given"
t.boolean "flags_near_miss"
t.boolean "flags_property_damage"
t.boolean "flags_first_aid"
t.boolean "flags_medical"
t.boolean "flags_lost_time"
t.boolean "employee_following_procedures"
t.boolean "employee_lack_of_training"
t.boolean "employee_not_paying_attention"
t.boolean "employee_acting_per_common_practice"
t.boolean "employee_exceeding_physical_capacity"
t.boolean "employee_using_wrong_equipment"
t.boolean "employee_taking_short_cut"
t.boolean "employee_willful_misconduct"
t.boolean "employee_other"
t.boolean "factor_equipment_failure"
t.boolean "factor_wrong_tools"
t.boolean "factor_poor_procedures"
t.boolean "factor_workplace_conditions"
t.boolean "factor_repetitive_stress"
t.boolean "factor_poor_equipment_guarding"
t.boolean "factor_poor_maintenance"
t.boolean "factor_poor_lighting"
t.boolean "factor_unidentified_uncorrected_workplace_hazards"
t.boolean "factor_unfamiliar_surroundings"
t.boolean "reason_inadequate_rule_enforcement"
t.boolean "reason_lack_of_sufficient_training"
t.boolean "reason_lack_of_hazard_mitigation"
t.boolean "reason_lack_of_supervisor_involvement"
t.boolean "reason_plant_equipment_layout"
t.boolean "reason_lack_of_accountability"
t.boolean "reason_poor_tools_or_maintenance"
t.boolean "reason_lack_of_proper_safety_signs"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
t.boolean "reason_lack_of_employee_involvement"
### Controller
class IncidentReportsController < ApplicationController
# GET /incident_reports
# GET /incident_reports.xml
def index
@incident_reports = IncidentReport.all
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @incident_reports }
# GET /incident_reports/1
# GET /incident_reports/1.xml
def show
@incident_report = IncidentReport.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @incident_report }
# GET /incident_reports/new
# GET /incident_reports/new.xml
def new
@incident_report =
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @incident_report }
# GET /incident_reports/1/edit
def edit
@incident_report = IncidentReport.find(params[:id])
# POST /incident_reports
# POST /incident_reports.xml
def create
@incident_report =[:incident_report])
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(@incident_report, :notice => 'Incident report was successfully created.') }
format.xml { render :xml => @incident_report, :status => :created, :location => @incident_report }
format.html { render :action => "new" }
format.xml { render :xml => @incident_report.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
# PUT /incident_reports/1
# PUT /incident_reports/1.xml
def update
@incident_report = IncidentReport.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
if @incident_report.update_attributes(params[:incident_report])
format.html { redirect_to(@incident_report, :notice => 'Incident report was successfully updated.') }
format.xml { head :ok }
format.html { render :action => "edit" }
format.xml { render :xml => @incident_report.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
# DELETE /incident_reports/1
# DELETE /incident_reports/1.xml
def destroy
@incident_report = IncidentReport.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(incident_reports_url) }
format.xml { head :ok }
### Views (using Haml)
### new.html.haml
%h1 New Incident Report
= link_to 'Back', incident_reports_path
= render 'form'
= link_to 'Back', incident_reports_path
### _form.html.haml
- @show_request = request.method == "GET" && request.path =~ /incident_reports\/\d+$/
-#- Rails.logger.add(5, message = "request.method: #{request.method}")
-#- Rails.logger.add(5, message = "request.path: #{request.path}")
-#- Rails.logger.add(5, message = "\@show_request: #{@show_request}")
-#- Rails.logger.flush
= simple_form_for(@incident_report) do |f|
- if @incident_report.errors.any?
= pluralize(@incident_report.errors.count, "error")
prohibited this incident_report from being saved:
- @incident_report.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
= msg
- if !@show_request then
= f.submit
%div{:class => 'top_section span-24'}
%div{:class => 'span-5 border'}
= render :partial => "form_flags", :locals => { :f => f }
%div{:class => 'span-14 border'}
= render :partial => "form_heading", :locals => { :f => f }
%div{:class => 'span-5 last'}
= render :partial => "form_drug_test", :locals => { :f => f }
%div{:class => 'body_section span-24'}
%div{:class => 'span-5 border small'}
= render :partial => "form_sidebar", :locals => { :f => f }
%div{:class => 'span-19 last'}
= render :partial => "form_questionnaire", :locals => { :f => f }
- if !@show_request then
= f.submit
### _form_flags.html.haml (first of the various partials; the rest are here as well, for completeness)
= f.input :flags_near_miss, :label => 'Near miss'
= f.input :flags_property_damage, :label => 'Property damage'
= f.input :flags_first_aid, :label => 'First aid'
= f.input :flags_medical, :label => 'Medical'
= f.input :flags_lost_time, :label => 'Lost time'
### _form_heading.html.haml
~ "Company Injury, Accident,\n Incident Investigation Form"
= f.input :investigator_name, :label => "Name of Investigator:"
### _form_drug_test.html.haml
= f.input :drug_alcohol_test_given, :label => "Drug/Alcohol Test Done?<br />", :as => :radio
### _form_sidebar.html.haml
I. Injury Causative Factors:
= f.input :employee_following_procedures, :label => 'Was the employee(s)' + "\n" + 'following' + "\n" + 'company rules and procedures?', :as => :radio
If <b><u>no</u></b>, was the incident because of:
= f.input :employee_lack_of_training, :label => 'Lack of training?'
= f.input :employee_not_paying_attention, :label => 'Not paying attention?'
= f.input :employee_acting_per_common_practice, :label => 'Acting as per employee common practice?'
= f.input :employee_exceeding_physical_capacity, :label => 'Exceeding their physical capacity?'
= f.input :employee_using_wrong_equipment, :label => 'Using wrong equipment?'
= f.input :employee_taking_short_cut, :label => 'Taking a short cut?'
= f.input :employee_willful_misconduct, :label => 'Willful misconduct?'
= f.input :employee_other, :label => 'Other?'
If <b><u>yes</u></b>, was the incident the result of:
= f.input :factor_equipment_failure, :label => 'Equipment failure?'
= f.input :factor_wrong_tools, :label => 'Wrong tools?'
= f.input :factor_poor_procedures, :label => 'Poor proceures?'
= f.input :factor_workplace_conditions, :label => 'Workplace conditions?'
= f.input :factor_repetitive_stress, :label => 'Repetitive stress (ergonomic factors)?'
= f.input :factor_poor_equipment_guarding, :label => 'Poor equipment guardng?'
= f.input :factor_poor_maintenance, :label => 'Poor maintenance?'
= f.input :factor_poor_lighting, :label => 'Poor lighting?'
= f.input :factor_unidentified_uncorrected_workplace_hazards, :label => 'Unidentified or uncorrected workplace hazards?'
= f.input :factor_unfamiliar_surroundings, :label => 'Unfamiliar surroundsing / offsite injury?'
II. Injury Reason Factors:
= f.input :reason_inadequate_rule_enforcement, :label => 'Inadequate rule enforcement?'
= f.input :reason_lack_of_sufficient_training, :label => 'Lack of relevant, frequent enough, or sufficient training?'
= f.input :reason_lack_of_hazard_mitigation, :label => 'Lack of hazard identifying or correction procedures?'
= f.input :reason_lack_of_supervisor_involvement, :label => 'Lack of line supervisor involvement?'
= f.input :reason_plant_equipment_layout, :label => 'Plant and / or equipment layout?'
= f.input :reason_lack_of_accountability, :label => 'Lack of supervisor or employee accountability?'
= f.input :reason_lack_of_employee_involvement, :label => 'Lack of employee involvement?'
= f.input :reason_poor_tools_or_maintenance, :label => 'Poor tool purchasing and / or maintenance?'
= f.input :reason_lack_of_proper_safety_signs, :label => 'Lack of appropriate safety signs or other reminders?'
### _form_questionnaire.html.haml
= f.input :employee_name, :label => "Employee Name:"
= f.input :position, :label => "Position:"
= f.input :hire_date, :label => "Hire Date:"
= f.input :incident_date, :label => "Incident Date:"
= f.input :incident_time, :label => "Incident Time:"
= f.input :date_first_reported, :label => "Date first reported:"
= f.input :supervisor, :label => "Supervisor:"
= f.input :department, :label => "Department:"
= f.input :witnesses, :label => "Witnesses:"
= f.input :incident_location, :label => "Incident location:"
= f.input :injury, :label => "1. Describe injury (Nature of injury/Part of body):<br />",
:input_html => { :class => 'textarea_small'}
= f.input :incident_description, :label => "2. Describe incident fully (what happened?):<br />",
:input_html => { :class => 'textarea_small'}
= f.input :injury_causative_factor, :label => "3. Identify injury causative factor:<br />",
:input_html => { :class => 'textarea_small'}
= f.input :injury_causative_factor_reason, :label => "4. Identify reason for causative factor (for example why did tool fail or why was training inadequate?):<br />",
:input_html => { :class => 'textarea_small'}
= f.input :actions_for_correction_prevention, :label => "5. What specific action should be or has been taken to correct identified reasons (#4) and prevent recurrence (there must always be a specific action taken to prevent recurrence)?<br />",
:input_html => { :class => 'textarea_small'}
= f.input :responsible_for_correction, :label => "Who is responsible for corrections:"
= f.input :correction_expected_completion_date, :label => "Target completion date:"
= f.input :correction_actual_completion_date, :label => "Actual completion date:"