A simple way to track media query use in your JavaScript
#getActiveMQ-watcher {
font-family: "break-0";
@media only screen and (min-width: 20em) {
#getActiveMQ-watcher {
font-family: "break-1";
@media only screen and (min-width: 30em) {
#getActiveMQ-watcher {
font-family: "break-2";
@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) {
#getActiveMQ-watcher {
font-family: "break-3";
/* etc. */
window.getActiveMQ = function()
$('<div id="getActiveMQ-watcher"></div>')
var computed = window.getComputedStyle,
watcher = document.getElementById('getActiveMQ-watcher');
if ( computed )
window.getActiveMQ = function()
return computed( watcher, null ).getPropertyValue( 'font-family' ).replace(/['"]/g,'');
window.getActiveMQ = function()
return 'unknown';
return window.getActiveMQ();
}(jQuery, window))
// Get the active Media Query as defined in the CSS
// Use the following format:
// #getActiveMQ-watcher { font-family: "default"; }
// @media only screen and (min-width:20em){ #getActiveMQ-watcher { font-family: "small"; } }
// etc.
window.getActiveMQ = function() {
// Build the watcher
var $watcher = document.createElement('div'),
// alias getComputedStyle
computed = window.getComputedStyle,
// Regexp for removing quotes
re = /['"]/g;
// set upt the watcher and add it to the DOM
$watcher.setAttribute( 'id', 'getActiveMQ-watcher' );
$watcher.style.display = 'none';
document.body.appendChild( $watcher );
// For modern browsers
if ( computed )
window.getActiveMQ = function() {
return computed( $watcher, null ).getPropertyValue( 'font-family' ).replace( re, '' );
// For everything else
window.getActiveMQ = function() {
return 'unknown';
return window.getActiveMQ();