11/1/2016 - 8:47 AM

Split Sequence by Chunks

Split Sequence by Chunks

def chunk_list(lst, parts=5):
    """Split list to chunks with given size and
    return new list with them
    :param lst: List from which chunks will be maked
    :type lst: list
    :param parts: size of the chunks (items from given list in one chunk)
    :type parts: int
    :return: List with chunks ( [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] )
    :rtype: list
    if type(lst) != list:
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid parameter specified. Expected type(list) '
                           'got type({})'.format(type(lst).__name__))
    return [lst[x:x+parts] for x in range(0, len(lst), parts)]
# функция для деления последовательности на пачки:
def chunker(seq, size):
    chunk = []
    for item in seq:
        if len(chunk) == size:
            yield chunk
            del chunk[:]
    if chunk:
        yield chunk

# используется примерно так:
for chunk in chunker(my_long_list, size=100):
    for item in chunk:
        # do something...