4/13/2019 - 1:28 PM

Gravity Forms CSS with Hidden Labels

body .gform_wrapper .gform_footer {
  padding-bottom: 0;

@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
  body .gform_wrapper .gform_footer {
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body .gform_wrapper_fields, body .gform_wrapper_fields ul {
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@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield .gfield_label {
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  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield.gform__two-col {
  clear: both;

@media screen and (min-width: 481px) {
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    width: 50%;

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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield.gfield_error {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield.gfield_error .ginput_container input, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield.gfield_error .ginput_container select, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield.gfield_error .ginput_container textarea {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield.gfield_error:not(.gf_left_half):not(.gf_right_half) {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .gfield_checkbox {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .gfield_checkbox li {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .gfield_checkbox li .ez-checkbox {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .gfield_checkbox li > input {
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  width: auto !important;

body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .gfield_checkbox li label {
  font-weight: normal;

body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container input, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container textarea, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container select {
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  transition: 0.15s all;

body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container input::-webkit-input-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container select::-webkit-input-placeholder {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container input::-moz-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container textarea::-moz-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container select::-moz-placeholder {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container input:-moz-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container textarea:-moz-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container select:-moz-placeholder {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container input:-ms-input-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container textarea:-ms-input-placeholder, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container select:-ms-input-placeholder {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container input:focus, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container textarea:focus, body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container select:focus {
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body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container select {
  height: 38px;
  text-indent: 4px;

body .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields .ginput_container textarea {
  min-height: 109px;
  line-height: 1.5 !important;

body .gform_wrapper button, body .gform_wrapper input[type="button"], body .gform_wrapper input[type="reset"], body .gform_wrapper input[type="submit"] {
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body .gform_wrapper button:after, body .gform_wrapper input[type="button"]:after, body .gform_wrapper input[type="reset"]:after, body .gform_wrapper input[type="submit"]:after {
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body .gform_wrapper button:hover, body .gform_wrapper button:active, body .gform_wrapper input[type="button"]:hover, body .gform_wrapper input[type="button"]:active, body .gform_wrapper input[type="reset"]:hover, body .gform_wrapper input[type="reset"]:active, body .gform_wrapper input[type="submit"]:hover, body .gform_wrapper input[type="submit"]:active {
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@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
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.section--bg-dark body .gform_wrapper button, .section--bg-dark body .gform_wrapper input[type="button"], .section--bg-dark body .gform_wrapper input[type="reset"], .section--bg-dark body .gform_wrapper input[type="submit"] {
  padding: 7px 11px;
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@media screen and (min-width: 481px) {
  body .gform_wrapper.gform_validation_error .gform_body ul li.gfield.gfield_error.gform__two-col:not(.gf_left_half):not(.gf_right_half) {
    padding-right: 15px;
    clear: none;
    float: left;
    width: 50% !important;
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  body .gform_wrapper.gform_validation_error .gform_body ul li.gfield.gfield_error.gform__two-col--last:not(.gf_left_half):not(.gf_right_half) {
    padding-left: 15px;
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  body .gform_wrapper.gform_validation_error .gform_body ul li.gfield.gfield_error.gform__two-col--last:not(.gf_left_half):not(.gf_right_half) + .gfield {
    clear: both;

body .gform_wrapper div.validation_error {
  background-color: #d9534f;
  color: #fff;
  display: block;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  padding: 10px 15px;
  border: none;

body .gform_wrapper .validation_message {
  display: none !important;

body .gform_wrapper.show-labels_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield .gfield_label {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  width: auto;
  height: auto;
  overflow: visible;
  clip: auto;
  position: relative;
  display: block;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0 0 7px;

body .gform_wrapper.show-labels_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield .ginput_complex .ginput_full {
  display: block;
  margin-bottom: 15px;

body .gform_wrapper.show-labels_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield ul.gfield_radio li {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-right: 10px;

body .gform_wrapper.show-labels_wrapper ul.gform_fields li.gfield ul.gfield_radio li input {
  margin-top: 2px !important;