7/31/2017 - 4:28 AM

Cloning from one elastic to another elastic index

Cloning from one elastic to another elastic index

1. Install elasticdump by following the instructions here: https://github.com/taskrabbit/elasticsearch-dump
2. Once installed then go to node_modules/elasticdump/bin
3. Run the following commands to transfer index from one server to another server:

# Command to copy analyzer information
node elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/scisdata --output=http://localhost:9200/scisdata --type=analyzer

# Command to copy index mapping
node elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/scisdata --output=http://localhost:9200/scisdata --type=mapping

# Command to copy index 
node elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/scisdata --output=http://localhost:9200/scisdata  --type=data

if your going to linux
nodejs elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/scisdatasit2 --output=http://localhost:9200/scisdatasit3  --type=data (edited)

do this from sit elasticsearch server at: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/elasticdump/bin