PowerShell: Set Browser File Handling For SharePoint Webapplication #PowerShell #SharePoint
# get all webapplications
$SPWebApps = Get-SPWebApplication
# set global file handling
$SPWebApps | foreach-object {
if($_.BrowserFileHandling -ne "strict" ){
$_.BrowserFileHandling = "strict"
# get all webapplications
$SPWebApps = Get-SPWebApplication
# set browser mime type
$mimeType = "application/pdf"
$SPWebApps | foreach-object {
# If the MIME Type is on the allowed list for the Web Application
# Remove the MIME type from the allowed list and update the Web Application
$_.AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes.Remove($mimeType) | Out-Null
Write-Host Removed $mimeType from the allowed list of Web Application $_.Name
# The MIME type was not on the list - can't remove. Inform user
Write-Host Skipped Web Application $_.Name - $mimeType was not on the allowed list
# get all webapplications
$SPWebApps = Get-SPWebApplication
# set browser mime type
$mimeType = "application/pdf"
$SPWebApps | foreach-object {
# If the MIME Type is not already on the allowed list for the Web Application
# Add the MIME type to the allowed list and update the Web Application
Write-Host Added $mimeType to the allowed list for Web Application $_.Name
# The MIME type was already allowed - can't add. Inform user
Write-Host Skipped Web Application $_.Name - $mimeType was already allowed