Snippet to handle simple switch case conditions. Only supports "=="
ppb_switch snippet
Simple snippet to handle simple switch/case conditions. Note: Only supports "=="
switch (string/int)
Some value returned by a tag (for example[[*id]])
or by another snippet (for example [[UltimateParent]]).
case (string)
One or more condition sets. The syntax is the same as the one used by select or radio TVs.
Use || to divide condition sets
and == to divide key value pairs.
Example: condition_1==return_1||condition_2==return_2||etc...
On top of this you can set a default value that is returned if none of the keys are found:
Use this snippet to display a chunk dependent on the current resource id:
If the current resource id is 1, this snippet will return $chunk1.
If it is 2, it will return $chunk2.
For everything else it will return $chunk3.
The additional brackets around the snippet call will result in this: [[$chunk1]].
$case = explode ('||', $case);
foreach ($case as $conditions)
$condition = explode('==', $conditions);
if ($switch == $condition[0])
return $condition[1];
if ($condition[0] == 'default')
$default = $condition[1];
return $default;