5/17/2022 - 12:00 PM

Top 10 Horror Movies

Top 10 Horror Movies

The Evil Dead (1981) This is an amazing movie and should be a must-watch for anybody who enjoys horror movies. The horror in this Werner Hertzog directed film is more subtle and doesn’t necessarily use shock to scare you, rather it uses eerie ambiance, the soundtrack, and the color palette to create discomfort in the viewer. The film has to do with a group of college students who believe they are traveling to a Swedish cultural festival celebrating the beginning of Spring, but instead end up trapped by a murderous sacrificial Scandinavian pagan cult. Eraserhead (1977) One of my all-time favorite movies ever is David Lynch’s Eraserhead. The special effects and the creativity that is possible in horror movies keep me invested in the genre, however, I do feel as if there are only a handful of good horror movies coming out every couple of years. The acting is decent, but the uniqueness of this film lies in the plot, which has since been replicated many times and has spawned a franchise. A chill runs down your spine, you jump in your seat, the screen goes black.

Top 10 Horror Movies

The Social Media Illusion of Safety and Privacy

When it comes to the social media illusion, none of this surprised God or His Word. Let me try to answer many of the common questions. But if you’re still skeptical, you can always turn to solutions like a temp mail. If by safe you mean that your data and privacy settings apply to individual users and user groups accessing your data, but that others are able to use your data as a part of research and data analysis as per the terms of service of a particular social media platform, then yes. The place of social media in our culture has taken a dramatic turn over the past few years. Don’t be so naïve as to think that you have complete control of what you post online. Second, I’ve known since the beginning that this is how social media works.

The Social Media Illusion of Safety and Privacy