Onboarding funnel movement to determine when we should expect to get results from new marketing channels
select utm_source
, sum(case when complete_to_decision < 1 then 1 else 0 end) as day
, sum(case when complete_to_decision <= 1 then 1 else 0 end) as next_day
, sum(case when complete_to_decision < 3 then 1 else 0 end) as three_day
, sum(case when complete_to_decision < 5 then 1 else 0 end) as five_day
, sum(case when complete_to_decision < 7 then 1 else 0 end) as one_week
, sum(case when complete_to_decision < 14 then 1 else 0 end) as two_weeks
, sum(case when complete_to_decision < 31 then 1 else 0 end) as month
, count(*)
from (
select *
, datediff('day', created_at, complete_at) as signup_to_complete
, datediff('day', job_info_at, intent_at) as job_to_intent
, datediff('day', intent_at, online_presence_at) as intent_to_online_presence
, datediff('day', online_presence_at, history_at) as online_presence_to_history
, datediff('day', history_at, complete_at) as history_to_complete
, datediff('day', complete_at, decision_at) as complete_to_decision
from (
select actor_id
, users.created_at
, users.utm_source
, roles.name as primary_role
, places.country
, places.state
, month
, max(job_info) as job_info_at
, max(intent) as intent_at
, max(online_presence) as online_presence_at
, max(history) as history_at
, max(complete) as complete_at
, max(decision) as decision_at
, count(optin_failed_prequal) as optin_failed_prequal
from (
select actor_id
, date_trunc('month', created_at) as month
, case when type = 'CandidateAtJobInfo' then created_at else null end as job_info
, case when type = 'CandidateAtOnboardingIntent' or type = 'CandidateAtIntent' then created_at else null end as intent
, case when type = 'CandidateAtOnlinePresence' then created_at else null end as online_presence
, case when type = 'CandidateAtHistory' then created_at else null end as history
, case when type = 'CandidateCompletedOnboarding' then created_at else null end as complete
, case when type = 'CandidateApproved' or type = 'CandidateRejected' then created_at else null end as decision
, case when type = 'CandidateOptedInWithFailedPrequal' then id else null end as optin_failed_prequal
from activities
where created_at >= '2018-01-01'
and type in ('CandidateApproved','CandidateCompletedOnboarding','CandidateRejected','CandidateAtIntent','CandidateAtHistory','CandidateAtOnlinePresence','CandidateAtJobInfo','CandidateAtOnboardingIntent', 'CandidateOptedInWithFailedPrequal')
left join users on users.id = actor_id
left join places on places.id = users.place_id
left join candidate_profiles as cp on cp.id = users.profile_id
left join roles on cp.primary_role_id = roles.primary_role_id
group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
where complete_at is not null
and decision_at is not null
and signup_to_complete <= 31
) group by 1
order by 2 desc