5/31/2013 - 1:01 PM

AsyncHttpClient to push Json in ElasticSearch with authentication

AsyncHttpClient to push Json in ElasticSearch with authentication

static AsyncHttpClient asyncHttpClient;
static Realm realm;

final static String ES_URL = "http://localhost:9200/";
final static String ES_INDEX = "indexName";
final static String AUTH_LOGIN = "someLogin";
final static String AUTH_PWD = "s0m3P-@ssw0rd!";

final static int REQ_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000;
final static int MAX_CON_PER_HOST = 10;
final static int MAX_CON_TOTAL = 100;

public void init() {

	AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder builder = new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder();

	asyncHttpClient = new AsyncHttpClient(;
	realm = new Realm.RealmBuilder().setPrincipal(AUTH_LOGIN) //
        .setPassword(AUTH_PWD) //
        .setUsePreemptiveAuth(true) //

public void put(Stuff stuff) {
	String id = stuff.getUniqueId();
	String type = stuff.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
	String urlToIndex = ES_URL + "/" + ES_INDEX + "/" + type + "/" + id;
	byte[] json = stuff.toJsonByteArray(); // use

	Future<Response> future = asyncHttpClient.preparePut(urlToIndex)
        .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") //
		.addHeader("Content-Length", "" + json.length) //
        .setBody(json) //

	int statusCode = future.get().getStatusCode();
	if (statusCode != 201 && statusCode != 200) {
	     // ...