Getting start with hasura app
$ curl -L | bash
$ hasura login
# Clone Base Project
$ hasura clone hasura/base
# Add the cluster and alias it to an easier name
$ hasura cluster add h34-test42-stg -c hasura
# Set this cluster as the default
$ hasura cluster set-default hasura
# List clusters associated with logged user
$ hasura cluster list
# Delete clusters
$ hasura cluster delete "name"
# Start with a project from hub
$ hasura quickstart base "my-nodejs-project"
# Start the console
$ hasura api-console
# Creating Micro-service
$ hasura microservice create myapp
# Create route for micro-service
$ hasura conf generate-route myapp >> conf/routes.yaml
# Locate microservice/myapp
# Edit k8s.yaml
# locate a image field. Change that value to add your docker image,cobtainerPort and tag.
# Check status of microservice
$ $ hasura microservice list