9/17/2018 - 10:48 PM

main-content h4 and p

DOM 1 - main-content section h4 and p

 * update main content

 * First - Grab the array-like objects for all h4 and p child nodes
const textContentH4 = document.querySelectorAll(".text-content h4");
const textContentP = document.querySelectorAll(".text-content p");

 * Second - convert to arrays
const tCH4Array = Array.from(textContentH4);
const tCPArray = Array.from(textContentP);

 * Grab all the keys from the sitecontent object
const keysArr = Object.keys(siteContent["main-content"]);

 * Filter out the h4 related keys
const keysH4 = keysArr.filter(item => item.includes("h4"));

 * Filter out the p related keys
const keysP = keysArr.filter(item => item.includes("content"));

 * Loop over the h4 elements and set them equal to corresponding key in the h4 sitecontent keys array
 * Also loop over the p elements and set them equal to their corresponding p keys from sitecontent

for (let i = 0; i < tCH4Array.length; i++) {
  tCH4Array[i].innerHTML = siteContent["main-content"][keysH4[i]];
  tCPArray[i].innerHTML = siteContent["main-content"][keysP[i]];