A function that takes a list (ls) and an object (x) as arguments and returns a list removing x from ls.
It is the third of exercise 1 in Yet Another Scheme Tutorial. The answer is difficult for a beginner to understand. Here is an easier answer for this exercise on StackOverflow.
Thanks for the author of YAST and the answer of the question.
(define (remove x ls)
(if (null? ls)
(let ((h (car ls)))
((if (eqv? x h)
(lambda (y) y)
(lambda (y) (cons h y)))
(remove x (cdr ls))))))
(define (rm x ls)
(if (null? ls)
(if (eqv? x (car ls))
(rm x (cdr ls))
(cons (car ls)
(rm x (cdr ls))))))