DMS SMS v2 Changelog
Control + s
(PC) or Command + s
to save the post.Control + Enter
on PC and Command + enter
on Mac.[the_title]
to display the current page or posts title. Handy for a hero area that's shared between several pages.[dms_section_data uid='ufnqbvl' console='false']
to display data stored by a DMS section.[the_post_meta id='123' console='false']
to display meta data for a post.assets/js/sms-common.js
and .mfp-youtube
classes. When the screen width was below 700px, videos wouldn't open.Option added to textbox to switch between static and relative font units. This allows textboxes to use REM units that scale with the design.
Option added to bands to remove side padding on smaller screen sizes.
Magnific Popup added to SMS with a bunch of handy classes.
Alignment options added to button section.
Default button alignment no longer adds "align-center" by default to the button container, allowing it to inherit the text alignment of the band.
Library mode added. Allows 99 slots for each factory type. Enabled in the Global settings under "debug / misc."
Added a modified version of the rapidtabs section for the blog.
Fixed slickslider font & ajax loader gif path so it loads in correctly. ** Requires a LESS cache flush **
Textbox section now defaults to no padding on top
Textbox section now has options for removing padding from the top, bottom or both.
Body tag is now assigned the global font family. If a canvas area does not have a theme selected, the correct font family is displayed.
Filter added to prevent Pagelines from prefixing the titles of images uploaded on the front end
Gradient backgrounds for band styles are now prefixed for all browsers that support them. Before, they only worked in webkit browsers.
Added support for numerous LESS mixins. Pretty much everything here: except for shadows and border radius, and opacity.
Added a new SMS Map section
Additional data sources added to select lists in factory back end.
Breaking Changes
which allows the ID of a band post to be retrieved based on it's slug.?flush-post-meta=true
is appended to the url, the current posts meta data will be deleted.list_posts_as_redux_select_array()
and get_post_list_by_term_as_redux_field_array()
method for displaying messages at the top of the admin screen$sms_utils->sms_options['fonts']['size-name-px-class-list']
in a page's text and if found, redirects to first child page. (Note: Standard page templates do not seem to work with DMS.)write_log()
method to utility class. Allows you to write info to a log file that's stored in wp-content folder as sms-debug.log
if SMS_DEBUG is set to true.