5/20/2014 - 4:08 PM

Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Edit Products on Entry Detail

Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Edit Products on Entry Detail

 * The latest version of this snippet can be found in the Gravity Wiz Snippet Library:
 * https://github.com/gravitywiz/snippet-library/blob/master/gravity-forms/gw-edit-product-and-payment-details.php
 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Edit Products & Payment Details
 * Edit products (and payment details) via the Gravity Forms Edit Entry view.
 * @version   1.3
 * @author    David Smith <david@gravitywiz.com>
 * @license   GPL-2.0+
 * @link      http://gravitywiz.com/
 * Plugin Name:  Gravity Forms Edit Products
 * Plugin URI:   http://gravitywiz.com/
 * Description:  Edit products (and payment details) via the Gravity Forms Edit Entry view.
 * Author:       Gravity Wiz
 * Version:      1.3
 * Author URI:   http://gravitywiz.com
class GW_Edit_Products {

    private static $instance = null;

    public static function get_instance( $args = array() ) {
        if( null == self::$instance )
            self::$instance = new self( $args );
        return self::$instance;

    private function __construct( $args ) {

        // make sure we're running the required minimum version of Gravity Forms
        if( ! property_exists( 'GFCommon', 'version' ) || ! version_compare( GFCommon::$version, '1.8', '>=' ) ) {

        // time for hooks
        add_filter( 'gform_field_input', array( $this, 'display_product_edit_mode' ), 10, 5 );
        add_filter( 'gform_after_update_entry', array( $this, 'save_product_edits' ), 10, 2 );

        // edit payment status
        add_filter( 'gform_entry_detail_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'handle_payment_details_meta_box' ), 10, 3 );
        add_action( 'gform_payment_details', array( $this, 'maybe_render_payment_details_edit_form' ), 10, 2 );


    public function display_product_edit_mode( $input, $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id ) {

        if( ! $this->is_entry_detail() || ! GFCommon::is_product_field( $field['type'] ) || $field->type == 'total' ) {
            return $input;

        //$orig_type = $field->type;
        $field->type = 'GWEP';
        $input = $this->get_field_input( $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id );
	    //$field->type = $orig_type;

        return $input;

    public function get_field_input( $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id ) {

        remove_filter( 'gform_field_input', array( $this, 'display_product_edit_mode' ) );

        $input = GFCommon::get_field_input( $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id, GFAPI::get_form( $form_id ) );

        add_filter( 'gform_field_input', array( $this, 'display_product_edit_mode' ), 10, 5 );

        return $input;

    public function save_product_edits( $form, $entry_id ) {

        if( ! $this->is_entry_detail() ) {

        $has_product_field = false;

        foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
            if( GFCommon::is_product_field( $field['type'] ) ) {
                $has_product_field = true;
                $field->origType = $field->type;
                $field->type = 'GWEP';

        if( $has_product_field ) {

        	$entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $entry_id );
	        GFFormsModel::save_lead( $form, $entry );

	        // set in GFCommon::get_product_fields_by_type(); reset.
	        global $_product_fields;
	        $_product_fields = array();

	        $this->clear_product_cache( $entry_id );


        // reset original field type
	    foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
	    	if( $field->origType ) {
			    $field->type = $field->origType;

	    if( $has_product_field ) {
		    // calculate the total once product fields have been restored to their original types
		    $total = GFCommon::get_order_total( $form, $entry );
		    foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
			    if( $field->type == 'total' ) {
				    GFAPI::update_entry_field( $entry['id'], $field->id, $total );


    public function clear_product_cache( $entry_id ) {

        gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info_1_1' );
        gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info__1' );
        gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info_1_' );
        gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info__' );


    public function is_entry_detail() {
        return in_array( GFForms::get_page(), array( 'entry_detail', 'entry_detail_edit' ) );

	public function is_entry_detail_edit() {
		return GFForms::get_page() == 'entry_detail_edit';

    public function handle_payment_details_meta_box( $meta_boxes, $entry, $form ) {

	    $entry = $this->save_payment_details( $entry );

	    if ( ! isset( $meta_boxes['payment'] ) && ( $this->is_entry_detail_edit() || ! empty( $entry['payment_status'] ) ) ) {
		    $meta_boxes['payment'] = array(
			    'title'    => $entry['transaction_type'] == 2 ? esc_html__( 'Subscription Details', 'gravityforms' ) : esc_html__( 'Payment Details', 'gravityforms' ),
			    'callback' => array( 'GFEntryDetail', 'meta_box_payment_details' ),
			    'context'  => 'side',

    	return $meta_boxes;

    public function maybe_render_payment_details_edit_form( $form_id, $entry ) {

    	if( ! $this->is_entry_detail_edit() ) {


	    <style type="text/css">

		    .gf_payment_detail { display: none; }

		    .gwep-payment-detail { overflow: hidden; padding: 0 0 10px; }
		    .gwep-payment-detail:last-child { padding-bottom: 0; }
		    .gwep-payment-detail input,
		    .gwep-payment-detail select { width: 100px; float: right; }


	    <div class="gwep-payment-detail">
		    <label for="gwep-payment-status"><?php _e( 'Payment Status' ); ?></label>
		    <input id="gwep-payment-status" name="payment_status" list="payment-stati" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'payment_status' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. Paid" />
		    <datalist id="payment-stati">
			    <option value="<?php _e( 'Paid' ); ?>">
			    <option value="<?php _e( 'Processing' ); ?>">
			    <option value="<?php _e( 'Active' ); ?>">
			    <option value="<?php _e( 'Cancelled' ); ?>">
			    <option value="<?php _e( 'Failed' ); ?>">
			    <option value="<?php _e( 'Voided' ); ?>">

	    <div class="gwep-payment-detail">
		    <label for="gwep-payment-date"><?php _e( 'Payment Date' ); ?></label>
		    <input id="gwep-payment-date" name="payment_date" type="text" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'payment_date' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. <?php echo date( 'Y-m-d' ); ?>" />

	    <div class="gwep-payment-detail">
		    <label for="gwep-payment-amount"><?php _e( 'Payment Amount' ); ?></label>
		    <input id="gwep-payment-amount" name="payment_amount" type="text" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'payment_amount' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. <?php echo GFCommon::to_money( 0, $entry['currency'] ); ?>" />

	    <div class="gwep-payment-detail">
		    <label for="gwep-transaction-id"><?php _e( 'Transaction ID' ); ?></label>
		    <input id="gwep-transaction-id" name="transaction_id" type="text" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'transaction_id' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. 123ABC" />

	    <div class="gwep-payment-detail">
		    <label for="gwep-transaction-type"><?php _e( 'Transaction Type' ); ?></label>
		    <select id="gwep-transaction-type" name="transaction_type">
			    <option value="" ><?php _e( 'None' ); ?></option>
			    <option value="1" <?php selected( $entry['transaction_type'], 1 ); ?>><?php _e( 'Payment' ); ?></option>
			    <option value="2" <?php selected( $entry['transaction_type'], 2 ); ?>><?php _e( 'Subscription' ); ?></option>

	    <div class="gwep-payment-detail">
		    <label for="gwep-payment-method"><?php _e( 'Payment Method' ); ?></label>
		    <select id="gwep-payment-method" name="payment_method">
			    <option value=""><?php _e( 'None' ); ?></option>
			    <option value="<?php _e( 'Check' ); ?>" <?php selected( $entry['payment_method'], __( 'Check' ) ); ?>><?php _e( 'Check' ); ?></option>
			    <?php foreach( GFAddOn::get_registered_addons() as $addon ):
				    $addon = call_user_func( array( $addon, 'get_instance' ) );
				    if( $addon instanceof GFPaymentAddOn ): ?>
			            <option value="<?php echo $addon->get_short_title(); ?>" <?php selected( $entry['payment_method'], $addon->get_short_title() ); ?>><?php echo $addon->get_short_title(); ?></option>
				    <?php endif; ?>
		        <?php endforeach; ?>


    public function save_payment_details( $entry ) {

    	if( ! $this->is_entry_detail() || rgpost( 'action' ) != 'update' ) {
    		return $entry;

		$keys = array( 'payment_status', 'payment_date', 'payment_amount', 'transaction_id', 'transaction_type', 'payment_method' );

		foreach( $keys as $key ) {
			if( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ) {
				$entry[ $key ] = $_POST[ $key ];

		GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );

	    GFEntryDetail::set_current_entry( $entry );

	    return $entry;


function gw_edit_products( $args = array() ) {
    return GW_Edit_Products::get_instance( $args );

# Configuration
