# Create the tuts user with associated home directory
sudo useradd -d /home/tuts -m tuts
sudo passwd tuts
sudo useradd -d /home/git -m git
sudo useradd -d /home/biboucraft -m biboucraft
sudo useradd -d /home/k4zek4ge -m k4zek4ge
sudo usermod -a -G sudo k4zek4ge
sudo passwd k4zek4ge
groups k4zek4ge
sudo useradd -d /home/forum -m forum
# Setup the new user password
sudo passwd tuts
sudo usermod -a -G sudo <username>
#Add user with sudo access
#If you set the Account type of a user to Administrator in Users Settings, it will be placed in at least all of these groups:
adm sudo lpadmin sambashare
#Because your system configuration may vary, I suggest taking a look at the output of groups <username> to see what groups are normally in use.
sudo adduser <username> sudo
sudo adduser gmodserver sudo
# delete a user
sudo deluser newuser