11/27/2013 - 4:58 AM

bid() {
	local shortname location

	# combine all args as regex
	# (and remove ".app" from the end if it exists due to autocomplete)
	shortname=$(echo "${}"|sed 's/ /.*/g')
	# if the file is a full match in apps folder, roll with it
	if [ -d "/Applications/$" ]; then
	else # otherwise, start searching
		location=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications -onlyin ~/Applications -onlyin /Developer/Applications 'kMDItemKind==Application'|awk -F '/' -v re="$shortname" 'tolower($NF) ~ re {print $0}'|head -n1)
	# No results? Die.
	[[ -z $location || $location = "" ]] && echo "$1 not found, I quit" && return
	# Otherwise, find the bundleid using spotlight metadata
	bundleid=$(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r "$location")
	# return the result or an error message
	[[ -z $bundleid || $bundleid = "" ]] && echo "Error getting bundle ID for \"$@\"" || echo "$location: $bundleid"