5/26/2015 - 2:48 PM

Example Config for the HistoAnalyzer Boiler plate class

Example Config for the HistoAnalyzer Boiler plate class

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- A root node is required -->
<!--  It can be anything <root></root>, it just has to exist -->

		<!-- Use an input tag for Specifying the input data file - it will be loaded for you -->
			<data url="input.root"/>
		<output path="./">

			<output url="rpHistoAnalyzer.pdf"/>
		<Logger logLevel="all" globalLogLevel="info" />

			<Histo name="pt" title="p_T [GeV]" nBinsX="100" minX="0" maxX="10" />
			<Histo name="pt1" title="p_T [GeV]" nBinsX="100" minX="0" maxX="10" />
			<Histo name="pt2" title="p_T [GeV]" nBinsX="100" minX="0" maxX="10" />
			<Histo name="pt3" title="p_T [GeV]" nBinsX="100" minX="0" maxX="10" />

