9/4/2017 - 4:03 PM



<!-- Interval Demo -->
<!-- Go to the last script tag -->

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en-us">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">



    <div id="show-number"></div>


    <button id="stop">Stop</button>
    <button id="resume">Resume</button>

    <!-- jQuery -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <!-- Script -->
    <script type="text/javascript">

    //  Interval Demonstration
    //  Set our number counter to 100.
    var number = 100;

    //  Variable that will hold our interval ID when we execute
    //  the "run" function
    var intervalId;

    var clockRunning = true;

    //  When the stop button gets clicked, run the stop function.
    $("#stop").on("click", stop);

    //  When the resume button gets clicked, execute the run function.
    $("#resume").on("click", run);

    //  The run function sets an interval
    //  that runs the decrement function once a second.
    function run() {
      if (clockRunning === true) {
       clockRunning = false;
       intervalId = setInterval(decrement, 1000);

    //  The decrement function.
    function decrement() {

      //  Decrease number by one.

      //  Show the number in the #show-number tag.
      $("#show-number").html("<h2>" + number + "</h2>");

      //  Once number hits zero...
      if (number === 0) {

        // the stop function.

        //  Alert the user that time is up.
        alert("Time Up!");

    //  The stop function
    function stop() {

      //  Clears our intervalId
      //  We just pass the name of the interval
      //  to the clearInterval function.
      clockRunning = false;

    //  Execute the run function.


