A directive to integrate Ben Plum's Selecter.js plugin with Angular.js.
<select id="linkStartImage"
<option value="{{ item.name }}"
data-ng-repeat="item in items"
ng-selected="item.name == selectedItem">{{ item.name }}</option>
controllers.myController = function($scope) {
$scope.selectedItem = null;
// Define a callback function that will be passed
// to our directive via 'selecter-callback'
$scope.setSelectedItem = function(value, index) {
$scope.selectedItem = $scope.media[index];
// set the initial dropdown selection to the first item
$scope.$watch("media", function(scope) {
if($scope.media) {
$scope.selectedItem = $scope.media[0];
// Bootstrap the jQuery select UX widget using 'Selecter.js' by Ben Plum
// http://www.benplum.com/formstone/selecter/
// Dependancies:
// Angular (duh)
// jQuery (required by selecter.js)
// Selecter.js
// On the select element, define these attributes:
// // Attach the directive
// selecter-for-option-with-ng-repeat
// // Pass in the ID of the select element
// selecter-target="#linkStartImage"
// // Define a callback function (in this instance it is used
// // to set the first option as the default)
// selecter-callback="setSelectedItem"
// // Define any configuration options as an object which
// // will be passed to the plugin
// selecter-config="{ defaultLabel: 'foo' }"
var selecterForOptionWithNgRepeat = angular.module('selecterForOptionWithNgRepeat', [])
.directive("selecterForOptionWithNgRepeat", function($timeout, $parse) {
return function( scope, element, attrs ) {
// $last & $timeout are a hack to have this run only once, after
// ng-repeat has finished building out the dom elements.
// ng-options does not provide $last which is why we are
// using ng-repeat instead
if (scope.$last) {
$timeout(function() {
var selecterConfig = {};
jQuery.extend(selecterConfig, $parse(attrs.selecterConfig)());
jQuery.extend(selecterConfig, {
callback: function(value, index) {
// wrap with $apply so angular knows to pay attention
scope.$apply(function() {
var propagateF = $parse(attrs.selecterCallback)(scope);
propagateF(value, index);
// target the element and initilize selecter() while
// passing in the config options