260. Single Number III

Given an integer array nums, in which exactly two elements appear only once and all the other elements appear exactly twice. Find the two elements that appear only once. You can return the answer in any order. You must write an algorithm that runs in linear runtime complexity and uses only constant extra space.
 * @param {number[]} nums
 * @return {number[]}
var singleNumber = function(nums) {
    // Initialize xor to 0
    var xor = 0;

    // XOR all numbers in the array. The result is the XOR of the two numbers that appear only once
    for (var num of nums) {
        xor ^= num;

    // Get the rightmost set bit in xor. This bit is set in one of the two numbers that appear only once
    var bit = xor & -xor;

    // Initialize the two numbers that appear only once to 0
    var num1 = 



Miva - Add & Remove Basket Charges

<mvt:if expr="g.Delete_Charge">
	<h2>Delete Charge</h2>
	<mvt:do file="g.Module_Library_DB" name="l.gone" value="BasketCharge_Delete_All_Type(g.Basket:basket_id, 'CUSTOM_CHARGE')" />

<mvt:if expr="g.Add_Charge">
	<mvt:assign name="l.basket_charge:basket_id" value="g.Basket:basket_id" />
	<mvt:assign name="l.basket_charge:module_id" value="0" />
	<mvt:assign name="l.basket_charge:type" value="'CUSTOM_CHARGE'" />
	<mvt:assign name="l.basket_charge:descrip" value="'Custom Char

FME Flow astuces

# Plugins python
Serveur survey use the version 3.12 of python
To install additional plugin (module) I installed on my C:\WPy64-31230 standalone package.

- lanch cmd prompt exe

- input commande for exemple pip -m install pandas
- go to C:\WPy64-31230\python-3.12.3.amd64\Lib\site-packages
- oprn fme flow Resources/Engine/Plugins/Python/python312 and glisse depose folders here

# Read/write f

Bash slot-machine

base64 -d <<<"""
""" | gzip -cfd | bash


$(function() {
  // 1024px以下でタグ機能を実装
function create_tab_func() {
    var $tabList,
        prevState = null;
    function initializeTabs() {
        $("#toppageRecruit").each(function () {
            $tabList = $(this).find(".tab-list");
            $tabAnchors = $tabList.find("li");
            $tabPanels = $(this).find(".recruit-items .recruit-item");
    function attachTabEvents() {


<div class="hoge">
  <div class="fuga">fuga</div>



Enum - JS

enum Direction {

const Colors = Object.freeze({
    RED:   Symbol("red"),
    BLUE:  Symbol("blue"),
    GREEN: Symbol("green")

 * Enum for common colors.
 * @readonly
 * @enum {{name: string, hex: string}}
const Colors = Object.freeze({
  RED:   { name: "red", hex: "#f00" },
  BLUE:  { name: "blue", hex: "#00f" },
  GREEN: { name: "green", hex: "#0f0" }

function createEnum(values) {
  const enumObject = {};
  for (co

AW Blog [Inflation Relief]

After months of simmering inflation reports, it looks like inflation finally eased slightly in April. Are prices stabilizing? Can we breathe a sigh of relief? Let’s dig a little deeper.
<p>After months of simmering inflation reports, it looks like inflation finally eased slightly in April.<sup><a href="#sources">1</a></sup></p>
<p>Are prices stabilizing? Can we breathe a sigh of relief?</p>
<p>Let’s dig a little deeper.</p>
<h3 class="mt2">What’s Inside the Latest Inflation Report?</h3>
<p>Economists typically look at two major inflation gauges: the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Personal Consumption Expenditures Index (PCE).</p>
<p>In the latest CPI report, we learned that

AW Blog [Why Are Markets Volatile?]

Markets have been very volatile lately. What’s going on? Let’s take a quick look at the factors that are influencing markets right now.
<p>Markets have been very volatile lately.</p>
<p>What’s going on?</p>
<p>Let’s take a quick look at the factors that are influencing markets right now.</p>
<h3 class="mt2">1. The Bull Market Narrative Has Shifted</h3>
<p>For months, investors have told a “Goldilocks” story of a strong economy, tamed inflation, and interest rates that were soon to drop.</p>
<p>However, stronger-than-expected economic data and sticky inflation have now complicated the story, and investors have become wary.<sup><a

AW Blog [Mastering Stormy Waters: Smart Strategies for Healthcare Costs in Retirement]

With healthcare costs often resembling an unpredictable market, and long-term care expenses looming, the post-work years require careful financial planning.
<p>Dreaming of your retirement often brings images of sandy beaches, extra time with family, or perhaps finally writing that novel.</p>
<p>But beyond the peaceful horizon of your post-work years, the dark clouds of healthcare and long-term care costs are gathering. It’s crucial to map out these expenses to keep your retirement on the smoothest trajectory possible.</p>
<h3 class="mt2">Healthcare: The Price of Tranquil Waters</h3>
<p>Think of healthcare costs in retirement as an unpredictable mark

ImageMagick Cmd

### Using ImageMagick:

`convert image.webp image.png`\

If you want to convert a whole directory:\
`convert *.webp -set filename:base "%[basename]" "%[filename:base].png"`

Miva - Load Custom Field in URI Template

<mvt:do file="g.Module_Library_DB" name="l.loaded_module" value="Module_Load_Code_Cached( 'customfields', l.customfields_module )" />
<mvt:if expr="l.loaded_module">
	<mvt:do file="g.Module_Root $ l.customfields_module:module" name="l.settings:product:brand" value="Module_Product_Field_Value( l.customfields_module, l.settings:product:id, 'brand' )" />

<mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:brand">

1442. Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR

Given an array of integers arr. We want to select three indices i, j and k where (0 <= i < j <= k < arr.length). Let's define a and b as follows: a = arr[i] ^ arr[i + 1] ^ ... ^ arr[j - 1] b = arr[j] ^ arr[j + 1] ^ ... ^ arr[k] Note that ^ denotes the bitwise-xor operation. Return the number of triplets (i, j and k) Where a == b.
 * @param {number[]} arr
 * @return {number}
function countTriplets(arr) {
    // Get the length of the array
    const n = arr.length;

    // Initialize an array to store prefix XOR values
    const prefixXor = new Array(n + 1).fill(0);

    // Compute prefix XOR values for the array
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        prefixXor[i + 1] = prefixXor[i] ^ arr[i];

    // Initialize a map to store indices for each XOR value
    const xorIndexMap = new Map();

    // Initialize 

Test graphQL request

const response = await fetch(`https://mainfx.herokuapp.com/graphql`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({query:
        '{' +
        'orderStatusByNumberAndEmail(OrderNum: "5648", CustomerEmail: "hello@studiotasso.com"){' +
        ' Earliest' +
        ' Latest'+ 
        ' Earliest' +
        ' Latest'+ 
        ' ETA_Message'+
        ' Brand'+